Have you ever seen a piece of art and have the thought…
Wow. That’s really pretty.
And then five seconds later you move on with your life.
You either continue your conversation with a friend, keep walking to wherever you were going, or just jump back into your thoughts.
What just happened is that you enjoyed something beautiful, but you didn’t EXPERIENCE it.
Let’s change the scenario.
Appreciate the Experience
Let’s imagine that you are walking by but instead of seeing a finished piece of art, you see the artist creating the masterpiece.
You watch them use their unique tools and admire how delicate and graceful they are. You imagine yourself in their place and realize that their skill is so superior to your own. Questions start to arise, and after you have taken in the whole process, you become more curious.
I wonder how much this art would cost?
If we were to take the first version of yourself- the one who walked by and admired but didn’t experience- you probably would have paid much less than the person who not only fell in love with the art but with the process as well.
This is because we value EVERYTHING in our minds.
(it’s what makes “The Price is Right” so fun)
When we see products we want, our mind begins going through the buying process. We start to imagine our life with the product. We start to justify (emotionally) why we need the product.
This is why it is ESSENTIAL that you use emotion to sell. It’s the first step of the buying process. Logic is not needed in this phase, but instead, desire.
Once we connect emotionally, it’s time to speak to logic.
How to Move From Emotion To Logic
One of the most powerful ways Etsy shop owners can do this is by showing their process. When a buyer is only presented with a finished product and a price, we are leaving them in control of what they feel the value is.
However, when we break down our process in creating the product, the value of the product will stand out more to them.
To use our scenario,
Instead of just seeing paint on a canvas, they will see the individual brushstrokes that created the art. They will see the artist hunched over for hours meticulously and carefully putting their soul to the canvas.
This will not only remove the generic competition out of the way but will make the price tag less intimidating.
I have seen Etsy shops use a listing picture to show their process. I have also seen it be brought to life in descriptions as well. Either place is great!
Once you bring your process to life, be sure to share features that your products give them.
Notice I didn’t just say features, but instead said, “give them.”
This means you will want to phrases like: “This product is made of silver.”
But instead say, “ We handcraft each piece out of silver so that you can confidently wear this design in the shower, while swimming, or during any other of your activities throughout the day.
This style of writing not only shares the feature (it’s silver) but allows the user to see how that feature will directly affect their life in a positive way.
Once you emotionally connect with your buyer, share your process, increase your value, and finish off with all the features they will be getting, you have created the perfect sales funnel for your products.
Go ahead and give this a shot in your shop!
Want help on how you can specifically apply this to your own shop? Jump on a private coaching call with me and let’s hammer this out!